Democratic News from Rockford, IL – more news at

Maurice West - Weekly Update 08/12 - 08/18


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This past Thursday we celebrated 815 day and I personally celebrated the pride that I have for my city.  I am encourage by our excellent people and organizations that are striving to make Rockford a great place to be now and into the future.

I had a productive week in Rockford and I am preparing for numerous community events.  Please read below for more details.

Be well, talk soon.





HB 2505 Signed Into Law



"Before Gov. Pritzker signed this bill into law, the definition of 'local' food excluded many of our favorite truly local products, like fruit jams grown, made and packaged right here in Illinois, said Rep. Maurice West (D-Rockford). "We owed it to our constituents to fix that problem, and I thank the governor for signing this bill into law."



Finally had the opportunity to make it to Spingfield and was able to pick up an original resolution for the League of Women Voters.  I was so proud to introduce a resolution naming June 10th as a day to celebrate Women's Right to Vote.



My Chief of Staff attended the Keith Creek Neighborhood Association meeting on August 15th in order to hear about the positive developments and issues facing the community.











State Representative Maurice West · 200 S Wyman St Ste 304 · Rockford, IL 61101-1235 · USA