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Democrats on the April 4 Ballot, Winnebago County, Outside of Rockford


I've previously sent a list of Democrats on the City of Rockford ballot this election.

Below I list Democrats and Independents on the ballot outside of Rockford in Winnebago County that I believe Democrats would be very happy to support. These are my suggestions and not an endorsement by the Winnebago County Democratic Party.

Let me know if I missed any Democrats or Democratic-leaning Independents on local village or township precinct ballots.

Again, this list is primarily for voters outside the city of Rockford, and the attached sample ballot includes all races in the county. You may not be able to vote in all these races depending where you live. (Everyone in Winnebago County may vote in the Rock Valley College Trustee race, which includes: John Nelson, Angelique Bodine and myself.)

I'm also attaching a sample ballot for Winnebago County.

Rock Valley College Trustee (Rock Valley #511)
(everyone in Winnebago and Boone County, part of Ogle and part of Stephenson County may vote in this election)
All candidates listed as Independents, but please vote for these three:

John Nelson (6 year term)
Angelique Bodine (6 year term)
Paul Gorski (2 year unexpired term)

Rockford Township 
(Democrats in contested races only)

Rockford Township Assessor
Ken Crowley

Rockford Township Trustee
Nancy L. Johnson
David Vella

Loves Park
(all candidates are listed as Independents)

Mayor - John Pruitt
Alderman, Ward 1 - Clint Little
Alderman, Ward 2 - David J.Soll
Alderman, Ward 5, A. Marie Holmes

Village of Machesney Park
(all candidates are listed as Independents)

Village President - Jerry D. Bolin
Village Trustee, District 3 - Heather K. Kelley

Roscoe Township

Township Trustee - Elizabeth Ann Lindquist
(She is listed as an Independent, and you can vote for up to four trustees, but I recommend Democrats and Independents only vote for her.)

Polling Places: this link will let you know where your polling place is (and I have this link on the site too.)

I believe I've included a list of Democratic party friendly Independents here. I may have missed some, let me know.
This is not an officially endorsed list of candidates, simply my list of what I consider "safe bets" in all of these contested races.

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This Rockford Democrat blog features news and press releases from Rockford, IL Democratic officials and candidates for office.
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Paul Gorski is the editor and posts the content.
More information about local Democratic officials and candidates can be found at (
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